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At Caldecote Primary School, we teach the National Curriculum for Science. Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what was taught previously within and across year groups. Each unit is based around a ‘Big Idea’ which is directly linked to National Curriculum knowledge. This is to ensure that pupils learn central concepts supporting them to make links across the curriculum throughout year groups. Teachers plan lessons around this whilst also developing a specific ‘working scientifically’ skill:

  • Research including secondary sources
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Observation over time
  • Comparative and fair testing
  • Pattern seeking

EYFS deliver science through ‘Understanding of the World’ activities.

Lessons and additional opportunities in science address 7 key principles that are reviewed annually with pupils and teachers to fit with school development priorities: 


Throughout each unit of learning, teachers assess their pupils' understanding through their written and practical work, discussions in class and responses to quizzes. 


Sustainability within Caldecote 
We aim to link all curriculum themes to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to enable the development of critical thinking by: 

  • Providing new perspectives 
  • Promoting alternative ways of thinking 
  • Developing metacognitive awareness 

Enrichment in Science
Within lessons, pupils use a wide variety of equipment to ensure lessons are practical, which helps them to develop their understanding.  Here are some quotes from our pupils about what they think of science:

'I like science. I like learning about new things' Year 1 pupil
'Science is so much fun. We are always learning new things' Year 5 pupil
Year 2 Pupils 'Science is fun. Once, I made a volcano erupt - it was so exciting!' & 'I enjoy science and I like watching our beans grow' 

Every year at Caldecote Primary School, we celebrate British Science Week, which is filled with additional activities to help our pupils develop their scientific enquiry skills and sparks their enthusiasm for science as demonstrated by these quotes:

'Science is where we make the impossible possible!' our Year 2 class
'I love how we make the light bulb work by connecting two wires together' Year 3 pupil
'Science is like playing a game - you don't know how it's going to end' Year 4 pupils
'I love that science allows me to investigate things that I wouldn't usually question such as - does chalk dissolve?' & 'Science is so much fun. We are always learning new things' Year 5 pupils
'There is a mixture of fun and scientific knowledge' & 'One lesson could change your career choice; we are always learning something new' Year 6 pupils

As part of the Great Science Share in June, parents are invited to our Science Fair which celebrates pupils’ own scientific questions and investigations and raises the profile of science in schools and communities.

All year groups invite visitors, organise trips and use our local community to develop their science capital.

Inclusion and equal opportunities
Our curriculum is fully inclusive - all children can succeed in science. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the delivery of lessons to enable all learners to make progress. We support the needs of all our pupils, celebrate cultural diversity and make learning relevant through linking content to the context of our school and children.


We are proud that Caldecote Primary School has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark.