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The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. While the Headteacher is in charge of the day-to-day running of the school, the governors are involved in such areas as finance, staffing, setting targets and analysing data.
The role of the Governing Body can be split into three aspects defined by the Department for Education as:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the appraisal of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it's money well spent.

The Governing Body is made up of  volunteers with a range of skills such as finance, property, HR as well as an interest in education

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the governing body please contact us.

Pippa Smith 
Chair of the Governing Body  

The Clerk to Governors is Sarah Dodd


Pippa Smith: Chair

I have been a governor at Caldecote Primary School since 2012 and am now in my fourth term of office. 

I originally trained and worked as an archaeologist but moved across to heritage learning and engagement over 20 years ago. I previously worked as part of the education team at English Heritage but have been freelance since 2014. I now support museums, archaeological units and other cultural organisations with their learning and audience engagement offer.

I enjoy being a governor as I feel that my understanding of heritage learning can support the school but I also learn a great deal from the team at Caldecote. Visiting the school is always fun and I love seeing how the children learn and develop in their time there.


Andri Achilleos: Parent Governor

Andri has recently been co-opted as a parent governor

Sue Breeze: Co-opted Governor

Sue was co-opted as a governor in November 2023.

Mary-Ann Claridge: Local Authority Governor

I have been a governor since 2001 and  am the Vice Chair and link governor for SEND.
I am a Data Scientist. My job is to make sense of data, to see what it is telling us, and pick out underlying trends, successes or problems. I can use this to look out for potential issues before they become problems, can check whether interventions are working, I can ask analytical questions and check assumptions.
Working with data is sometimes very distant from the real world. In the school, and especially in the Primary School it is immediate. A change in performance data may mean that a topic needs to be presented differently so that all children can understand it, or may mean that some children need to be given support. I enjoy being able to use my skills, but in a way that has immediate impact for real people. 

Kate Duncombe: Staff Governor

I joined the governing board at Caldecote Primary School in November 2015 as an Associate member and subsequently became a Co-opted member in March 2016. For a while I was Co-Chair of Governors, after being Vice-Chair for three years. However, I then got the chance to join teg school as a teacher in Year 3 so I transferred to being a staff governor. 
I have two children currently at the school, and a son and daughter who have both attended Caldecote and are now at secondary school.
My background is in Education and I have a BA (Ed). Over the years I have taught all the way from Nursery to Year 8 in Cheltenham, England; Boston USA; Hong Kong and Singapore. The schools have ranged from a start-up school to large, top British International schools. I have held posts on the Senior Leadership team and have always been heavily involved in the committees that work with the parents.
 I thoroughly enjoy being on the governing board at Caldecote Primary School and being a part of school life. I feel that I can contribute my knowledge and experience and at the same time keep up to date on current best practice. 

Emma Hall: Parent Governor

I joined the governing body in late 2021 as a parent governor. I currently have one child at the school who is in Reception. I am also the current governor for Inclusion and Diversity.

I grew up around education as both my parents were teachers in primary schools. I hold a degree and post graduate in Art and Design related fields. I am a qualified teacher for the post compulsory sector but during my career I have taught children many times in private or non-school educational settings. This included projects working with disadvantaged children.

I lived in the USA for 8 years where I was also a foster parent and took classes in trauma informed parenting. This led to my passion for supporting and celebrating diversity in schools.


David Latham: Parent Governor

David has recently been elected as a parent governor and is the governor for Finance and resources.

Mark Lydon: Co-opted Governor

Mark has recently been co-opted as agovernor

Vicky Miles: Co-opted Governor

I have worked at Caldecote Primary School since 2008 where I'm currently a Higher-Level Teaching Assistant in Year 6 and the Deputy Manager and Designated Safeguarding lead for Care Clubs.  I also hold the position of PSHE and Mental Health Lead as well as having responsibility for overseeing the Eco Council and the Junior Travel Ambassadors. I have previously worked in publishing as well as running a bookshop within a university. I have two grown-up children who both attended the School. Having served as Clerk to the Governors for five years I am now looking forward to joining the Governing Body. I feel that my understanding of the school, Care clubs and the children will enable me to provide support and insight. 

Peter Smith: Co-opted Governor

I  was co-opted to the Governing Body in September 2022. My wife and I have lived in Highfields Caldecote for fifteen years and we have two children that currently attend Caldecote Primary School. I am the link governor for Health and Safety and part of the Resources Working Group.

 I have observed the school as a parent through my children attending Caldecote Playgroup and as they continue their education Caldecote Primary School. I feel that the school is a positive place to be and I would like to make a positive contribution as a Governor. 

Shweta Tripathi: Co-opted Governor

I am Shweta Tripathi and I have lived in Caldecote for over 2 years.  My son had a very happy time at Caldecote Primary School.  I have a background in education with 12 years experience as a teacher and I am always keen to support and be involved in the school whenever possible.  I am pleased to have been appointed as a Governor and I hope to be able to use my expertise and knowledge to contribute to the Governing Body and support the school going forward. I have responsibility for Maths and am part of the Curriculum Working Group.


Past Governors


The following have either reached the end of their appointment or resigned


Type of Governor



Kevin Vanterpool


September 2015

July 2021

Suzy Reed


November 2015

November 2021

Renu martingale


November 2017

November 2021

Cristina Turner


February 2018

February 2022

Janet Turner


November 2021

June 2022

Natalie Martin


June 2018

June 2022

Jay Surti Co-opted March 2021 September 2023
Joanna Skiba-Szymanska Parent July 2021 January 2024
Rachel Lionne Staff June 2022 July 2024


None of these governors had any relevant business or pecuniary interests or other potential conflicts of interest.

Governor Information


Type of Governor

Length of term

When term started

Link areas and other responsibilities

Pecuniary interest

Pippa Smith Co-opted 4 years July 2023

Resources Working Group

 Andri Achilleos Parent 4 years October 2024 TBC  
Sue Breeze Co-opted 4 years November 2023

Curriculum Working group



Mary-Ann Claridge

Local Authority

4 years

April 2024

Vice Chair

Resources Working Group

Kate Duncombe Staff 4 Years September 2024


Emma Hall Parent 4 years December 2021 Inclusion and Diversity
Curriculum Working Group
David Latham Parent 4 years November 2022

Finance and Resources

Resources Working Group

Mark Lydon Co-opted 4 years October 2024 Curriculum Working group None
Vicky Miles Co-opted 4 years December 2021   None
Peter Smith Co-opted 4 years September 2022

Health, safety and staff well-being

Resources Working group


Karen Stanton

Head teacher


On appointment


Shweta Tripathi Co-opted 4 years March 2021

Curriculum Working Group



No governors are governors at other schools and no governors are related to staff or other governors.